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Product Disclaimer 
The term “Shovelrope™” shall be referred to as “the Product”, and herein refers to any shovel, or sum such other tool, modified with the Shovelrope™. The term “Items” herein means: rocks, snow, dirt, or any possible projectile, that could be placed onto a shovel during its usage or non-use.

In no event shall the company be culpable for any crimes committed while using the Product and/or liable for any intentional and/or negligent use or non-use of the Product including direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, and/or consequential damages, to property or life, whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of the Product.

The Product is a dangerous tool and must be used and stored in the manner that it was intended “to assist in the process of shoveling” in conjunction with the precautions taken by the user for the user’s surroundings. As with other similar or like tools, i.e., axes, sickles, scythes, et al, where there are a sharp edges, the Product herein is designed to swing and project Items in some radius around the user. This swinging process creates and enhances the possibility of accidental injury to the user and/or another person or property within that radius. This radius is relative to the user’s ability to correctly or incorrectly use the product and the user’s physical capabilities. Extensive precautions should be taken when using the Product at any time including, but not limited to, wearing protective clothing and/or wearing bright colored reflective clothing, eye protection, and placing warning cones and/or signage around any work area. The owner and/or any assignees using the Product assumes all responsibility and custody for the safe use and secure storage of the Product. 

All users of the Product should be in good physical health to use this Product in the intended manner as cited above. The use of this Product may require extensive physical exertion. If you are not sure of your current physical health you should see your doctor before using this Product. 

Here are some basic tips to remember when using this product: 
1.    If you experience pain of any kind stop immediately. 
2.    Stand up straight when shoveling. 
3.    Limit lifting the snow by pushing it as much as possible.  
4.    Make sure your muscles are warm and stretched before starting. 
5.    Always know who and what is around you so you don’t hit anyone or anything and never throw over your shoulder.
6.    Take breaks and keep hydrated. 

Happy shoveling!

The Shovelrope™ is a product of the CHT4 Corporation, One Broadway Fl 14, Cambridge, MA 02142.  

Current document version updated 2/06/2018 4:25 PM EST

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